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December 07, 2011


Sweet Girl Tracie

and I just read up about Krampus and also an early childhood educator and advocate, I am absolutely horrified.

Sweet Girl Tracie

Your story in how you shared your family traditions with your students was warm-hearted and extremely inclusive. I have found that any age (regardless of young children or college students) students love when their teacher or professor share a little bit of their traditions with the class.

I wrote about something similar around Thanksgiving.

I never went into the December holidays as much. Reading this blog post reminded me on how I taught the little ones the Yiddish words 'schloffing' (sleepy time) or 'keppe' (forehead). Right before quiet listening time, I would say to the kinder, "Put your keppes down on your cots. It is shloffing time." Then I would explain to them that this is what my mother and grandmother used to say to me right before I went to sleep. They loved it and they actually used the words in class through out the year (The children's backgrounds were that of African, Latino and Chinese American)

*(I incorporated a lot of the childrens' traditions and backgrounds into the class but at various times, not through specific holidays)


I think the best holidays are those with our own versions of traditions and memories. I have truly enjoyed creating my own versions of holiday times ... for me, there is no one true way ...

Just lots of loving and giving, feasting and poignant, glorious moments together - and alone -
Pain has to be included because we miss loved ones who are absent for whatever reason - and expectations are always so bound up in so many childhood memories of good and bad "stuff."

Broadening perspective and allowing all sorts of souls in ... that's been the way I have handled the complexities of holiday times in the different cultures I've lived in from Zimbabwe, to Israel to Buffalo, and now - Philadelphia!


I loved your story. Thank you for sharing. I am trying to find my own way, in terms of which rituals I want to practice...especially because I have children with whom I want to share rituals and celebrations. I was raised Catholic, and grew up with Christmas celebrations of excessive excess. But my partner and co-parent grew up with minimalism, and prefers as little materialistic excess as possible. I appreciate your perspective, and it helps me to broaden my own.

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