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January 26, 2012



A very belated Happy Blogaversary to you!

I can hardly keep up with my own which began a year or so after yours. I was doing more blogging then, so visited you more often.

Blogging is changing for many, I think, is even considered out of date by some.


Dear Joy, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to wish me well! Very much appreciated. Not many commenters these days :-)

Best wishes and many smiles.


I'm so sorry I missed your Blogaversary Tamarika...congratulations on seven years. That's a long time my friend. I think we all have thought about stopping blogging at some time or too. I know thanks to Facebook that many people are posting and commenting less and saddens me to see so many blogging friends leaving us in one way or another. Congratulations again... ~Joy xo

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