There are no right or wrong, or good or bad feelings.
I know this.
I have studied in depth about how young children develop emotionally.
And yet ...
... I am learning that I monitor and judge the validity of my feelings to the extent that I numb them out in fear they are wrong, or even dangerous for my survival.
When I am in therapy, time and again I am amazed and grateful that my feelings are validated, and that I am encouraged to express them.
It has such an effect on me.
For days after therapy I wander around almost dazed in wonder that the world seems clearer and brighter, and I feel visible to me.
What is even more amazing to me, though, is that I do not have to do anything about my feelings.
For example, if I experience anger, I do not have to act on it.
Just feel it - understand it - hold still with it.
I might want to act on my anger in some way later - even days or weeks later - in order to make a stand for me.
At that time, it will be measured, chosen, and good for me versus reactive, impulsive, and self-destructive or self-punitive.
Indeed, thanks to the patience and perseverance of an adept therapist, I am slowly beginning to shed my early childhood fear that somehow my feelings have the power to destroy others.
I can relate to this..In the past 2 1/2 years I have been learning to validate my feelings and find healthy ways to express myself. For the most part, I usually kept all to myself. I have learned that this can be dangerous to me and have found ways to advocate for myself. I am still learning and it takes time and practice. But I am getting there.
Posted by: Sweet Girl Tracie | February 04, 2012 at 08:22 PM