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« It's the little things ... | Main | Healing dimensions »

March 06, 2012



Your current blogs read as though you're more content and accepting of yourself than impressions I recall from years earlier posts. Of course, you were adjusting to relocating as I recall -- a major life change which does effect us.

I think maybe we never stop learning about ourselves because we're always evolving if we're engaged in life and living.

I was completely taken off guard realizing numerous old issues I thought had been long-settled in my mind and behavior had resurfaced after my husband's death (shortly before I began blogging.) I didn't immediately recognize this fact, but at least I finally did.


Dear Jean - fellow traveller on this life amazing journey - as you say so clearly in your blog post. Our brains were "washed" early on and when we recognize that, we can conquer all!!

I believe in you and hold you in my thoughts as we tread similar turf if only in different venues and with different dreams.

Much love and many hugs and smiles,
Your old blogger buddy!


This really spoke to me, Tamar, as I'm right now finding it such a struggle to feel happy and excited rather than frightened and hopeless about a future that actually doesn't look hopeless at all (see recent blog post), and also my eating habits have deteriorated during this difficult time. Your experience gives me hope that it's worth continuing to work with this.

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