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November 24, 2014



Hello there, Elaine. Thanks so much for still reading my blog after all these years! And thank you for this comment. I appreciate you very much.

Elaine of Kalilily

Like you, I don't blog as much as I used to when I started 13 years ago. Unlike you, I prefer to write about the tough stuff and have caused family feuds in the past as a result. Writing continues to be 90% of my personal therapy. I still read your blog, after all these years!!


Dear friend,
I appreciate your comment, and understanding very much.

Sending love your way,

Marion Barnett

It is very difficult to be "honest in your writing" without wondering how people will react. I think writing is about peeling the onion and exposing our inner layers for the purpose of learning more about ourselves. If people feel it is directed toward them that is a misinterpretation and doesn't honor the other person who is exploring their personal experiences and feelings.

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