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April 27, 2017


Nina Gaby

I have no important or even cogent comment. I am just happy to listen to another passionate soul who shares my age. Thanks for the post and gentle blessings.


Dear Cheryl,
Your comment on my blog moved me deeply. Thank you so much for being my friend even all these miles away -it feels - for a lifetime. For my life changed so dramatically when I came to the States and you were there from the beginning.
You gave me this wonderful new image to dream about - being an elder. It feels solid and so much in keeping with where I feel I am headed right now.

Sending you much love always,


Dear John,
I so appreciate your comment on my blog today. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, validate my feelings and give me hope - all at the same time! You are an amazingly good soul and a dear, dear friend.

Sending much love your way ...
Tamar xx

John Abeles

Tammi, Yakira....Your deep perception and the anguished love and longing you had for Beryl are so touching. I understand your pain and selfishly hadn't noticed in her the lack of attention to you. But as you say, on reflection, it had mostly to do with her own gremlins and life problems in her tumultuous other relationships.

But one thing you can say -- to have brought up, one way or another -- a beautiful, gentle and caring daughter like you is one testament to her fundamental qualities as a person and her transmission of many high and good values despite her only too human, maternal flaws.

I love you.

And again, wish you a Long and Sweet Life.

Harbei Neshikot



Thank you to everyone for your comments. So supportive and meaningful for me. I appreciate them very much.

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