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March 28, 2018



Hi Tom,
How good it is to "find" you here! Yes, I know it's your birthday on April 2nd. Gee, and of course! You have always been a year older than me. Isn't it amazing how far we have come? Let's try and see each other in our seventies! All my best, always, Tamar

Tom Potter

Hi Tamar, in a short 4 days on April 2 I will turn 70. Who would have imagined me living this long and in such good condition. And I know that on May 24 you will be 69 confirming that in one year you will enter your 70s. Glad to hear all of the ways you are doing things to maximize your remaining 25 plus years. Always enjoy reading your blogs and seeing what thoughts and emotions they will stimulate in my being. Best wishes, Tom

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