I didn't leave myself much time to write any more countdown pieces for Thanksgiving. And so, after just one blog post, and before I realized it, Thanksgiving arrived this morning. I suppose I can be thankful that I have been so busy thus far not to have noticed that days had passed by quickly. Or I might be alarmed that time is moving so fast. I mean, just when I want it to slow down a bit. Lately, I want to cherish the moments. Life is shortening just as winter is upon us and days darken earlier than a few months ago. I love it, actually. Leafless trees and blackened barks in cloudy, cold mornings. They make me sigh deeply and relax. No need to rush around - instead, time to hunker down and keep warm with a good book and a bowl of hot vegetable soup. The type that is thick with zucchini, leek, lentils, onions, garlic, celery, green peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and anything else that beckons to me from the fridge. Much like becoming older and heading into retirement. Holding still in the moment feels good to me. It is like letting out a long breath after holding it in to the count of ten during my breathing exercises. Indeed, it is like being released from the prisons in my mind: letting go of all those duties and anxieties I created for myself when I was younger, when I thought if I did not live up to whatever it was I was trying to live up to I might surely perish.
So here I am this Thanksgiving morning crispy cold outside, heading out for a walk with a friend, after feeding the cats and preparing the turkey to put into the oven later in the day, the yard all cleaned up after days of raking and pruning. It has been two weeks of work, conferencing, grading papers, and play with concerts of Zimbabwe singers, and coffee and dinner with friends, all leading up to this moment right here, right now.
And later today, the biggest treat of all: darling little Benya will be stopping by with his mother and father to share in the dinner I am preparing.
I mean, honestly. Who could ask for more?
A year ago at Mining Nuggets: Countdown to Thanksgiving, 2017 #2
Thanks for your comment, Leonie. I appreciate you too! xxx's
Posted by: Tamarika | November 23, 2018 at 06:15 AM
Oh what a precious end to a lovely piece of writing Tam and I am thankful for having you in my world after such a long, long time.💕
Posted by: Leonie Brickman | November 22, 2018 at 02:10 PM