How lucky I am to have the therapist I have. I realized this morning that I love going to therapy. It is almost always enlightening and revealing even though confronting my Self can be uncomfortable and painful at times. I have been going to therapy on and off for almost all my adult life, and have had a number of therapists - some quite good.
For the past many years, I have been going weekly to my current therapist and even dedicated my book to him. His is consistent, experienced, and professional, but more importantly he is smart and has a sense of humor. During this morning's session he responded to a couple of things I said in a way that literally caused me to gasp out loud because of how perfectly his comments hit the spot, and spoke directly to what I had never thought of before. Revelations!
I stumbled out of his office literally gasping for breath - gob-smacked, and wept with gratitude as I drove toward the coffee shop to write this down. All I could think of as tears spilled down my cheeks was how lucky I am to have him in my life, and how lucky I am to keep on discovering new things about who I am and how I came to be me. I thought about how doing this self-work opens and frees me up to new ways of perceiving my interactions and relationships.
It makes me realize that I have choices, where I hadn't noticed them before. It is almost as if I am being freed from prison, from the shackles of my mind. I imagine that as the days pass, I will lose this feeling of gratitude and slip back into the old, brain-washed, emotional habits of my childhood. Discovering luck is in the moment. And, for now, I am writing this down so that I might hold onto it for awhile longer than a moment.