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December 30, 2018



Thanks so much for sharing what happened for you. This means so much to me. I hope I can find the courage to truly find and follow my heart too ...


I rediscovered a me I had given up on at about age 18. At 68 I brought horses back into my life and rediscovered some of who I had been back then before too much experience diluted that essence. It has been such a magic time of reawakening to a simpler life with time to do just that, getting back in tune with who I am to the core, seeing the coherence and beauty in the world around me every day with such depth of gratitude. It brought a whole new meaning to the phrase”second childhood”!


You are a role model for having the courage to follow your heart.
I very much appreciate your comment here.
With love,

Marion Barnett

Some just decide to stay with what they know and be in that comfort zone. I knew there was a whole other me that needed to emerge. I'm grateful I allowed that. I think it's important to remember we are women and in our generation we didn't have many choices that we could follow. I'll be 70 soon and need to approach my end with joy, gratitude, and sweet memories of a life pretty well lived. I say GO FOR IT!

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