Why would you prefer to sleep through this?
I would rather be awake. Awake - vital - with all my faculties. Even with discomforts and especially the pain. For I have learned buckets of wondrous things through experiencing pain. I have to say my life has been enhanced by the lessons learned from my mistakes. It has made me more accepting, patient, understanding, and, even at times, at peace. I have learned to love all sorts of people, animals and nature, and life has become bigger, wider, and global. I have broadened my perspective and my mind has expanded.
So why would I prefer to sleep through all of this?
For that's what the Republican party and its candidates promise me now, today, and tonight at their first primary debate. They are fighting being "woke." They say it over and over again. Indeed, they have openly declared war on "woke." They are in terror for their lives - for their white privilege. They are running scared, screaming white supremacy at me whenever they get the chance. They have closed down their minds and prefer to sleep through it all. They are afraid of expanding their horizons, perspectives and of anything, anyone who is other than them.
What has happened to millions of people in this country that make them prefer this state of mind?
So: "Wake up!" I respond to their tirades. We are slip-sliding into the deepest despair and darkest period of our lifetimes. Our time is right now to embrace all humankind and lead us to the light. I beseech you. Have the strength and courage to face your deepest, unconscious fears, and confront your discomfort. Search within for your capacity for compassion and the audacity to hope. Let's do this together.
Wake up! Wake up to being woke. As woke and as awake as we can be.
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